Isitsha Samakhekhe Masiwe


UMicki nabangani bafuna amakhekhe abathenjiswe wona.

Micki and friends want the biscuits they have been promised.


UMicki nabangani bakhe, uLolo no-Unathi, babefunda izincwadi zabo abazikhonzile. “Uma ningasiza uMicki ukulungisa ikamelo lakhe,” kwasho uPrudence, “ningathatha wonke amakhekhe emva kwalokho…”

Micki and her friends, Lolo and Unathi, were reading their favourite books. If you all help Micki clean her room,” says Prudence, “you may have all the biscuits thereafter…”

Umbhali (Writer): Nozizwe Herero
Umhleli (Editor): Glynis Lloyd
Umdwebi (Illustrator): Siya Masuku
Umqophi (Designer): Nadene Kriel
Umhumushi (Translator): Nal’ibali
Yashicilelwa (Published): 2016
Abashicileli (Publisher): SiyaFunda Online
Ifomethi (Format): Paperback
ISBN: 978-1-928377-99-3
Ulimi (Language): isiZulu
Amakhasi (Pages): 32
Ubukhulu (Size): 150mm X 150mm
Isisindo (Weight): 15gm
Ubuningi (Quantity): 1
Intengiso (Price): R80

Additional information

Weight 0.1 kg
Dimensions 15 × 15 × 1 cm
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