Learning Center

Want to learn isiZulu with Siyafunda?

We offer private & group Zulu lessons for those wanting to learn the language. Click alongside to find out more and arrange for one of our teachers to visit you in a convenient location.

Welcome to the Siyafunda Learning Center

Listed below is a list of the available online audio books (courses) that we currently have on offer – designed for teachers, parents, individual tutors or anyone that is able to utilize them.

If you have already enrolled in a course, you can view your personal courses by clicking the “VIEW MY COURSES” button below, otherwise feel free to register and enrol for any of the courses further below on this page.

Remember that ALL proceeds generated by the subscription fees for each course go directly towards funding the publishing of new books which will be distributed to children all around South Africa in order to bolster their early childhood learning capabilities.

Available Courses

Siyafunda isiZulu Illustrated Alphabet

The isiZulu Illustrated alphabet course is a fun, interactive and simple course that will have you racing through the alphabet in record time. All kids and anyone who might be wanting to learn how to pronounce the letters in the isiZulu alphabet will benefit from the course.


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[namaste-condition course_id=127 is_enrolled=1] Visit Course [/namaste-condition]
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