Amalunga / Members

uSiya Masuku umdwebi onogqozi lokubhala izincwadi zezingane. Futhi ungusomabizinisi okholelwa kwinqubekelaphambili ngokusebenzisa isiphiwo sakhe.
Soweto-born Siya Masuku is a highly accomplished and experienced graphic artist, a self-published children’s book writer and illustrator and entrepreneur who believes in personal upliftment through creativity.
Umbhali Nomdwebi / Author

UMpumie Njobe unguthisha wesiZulu eWits Language School. Wafunda iTESOL khona eWits okuyiyona ndlela eyamenza waba nekhono lokufundisa isiZulu ngendlela eyenza abafundi basheshe bakwazi ukusikhuluma. Ungumbhali wazo izincwadi zokufundisa isiZulu khona eWits. Ungumhumushi wesiNgisi nesiZulu emva kokuqeqeshwa khona eWits ngo-2013. Kulonyaka ka-2017 uphothule izifundo zakhe zeHonours in Translation khona enyuvesi yaseWits.
Mpumi Njobe is an isiZulu teacher at Wits Language School. Studying TESOL at Wits University has quipped her with the skills necessary to enable learners to leaner how to speak isiZulu more efficiently. She is the author of the study material used for teaching isiZulu at the university. She is also a qualified English and isizulu translator since 2013. In 2017, she attained her Honours in Translation at Wits University.
Umhleli / Editor

UMamoroa Ledwaba unguthisha wesiZulu onolwazi olukhulu kumabanga aphansi, aphakathi kanye nakumabanga aphakeme. Wafunda wagogoda ngezifundo zezilimi zase-Africa, kodwa yena uthanda kakhulu IsiZulu. Usaqhubeka nezifundo zakhe ne-UNISA emkhakheni wezemfundo. Isifiso sakhe ngukuthi ajule kakhulu futhi aqondisise umlando wezilimi zase-Africa.
Mamoroa Ledwaba is an experienced IsiZulu teacher in the Foundation phase, intermediate and High School. She majored in African languages and has a passion in IsiZulu language. She continues to study in the field of education through UNISA to equip her knowledge and firm grasp of the history of the African language.
Umlandi / Narrator

UDavid ungumsunguli we-SupaDigital, inkampani encane ye-digital egxile ekwenzeni nasekuxhaseni amawebhusayithi amabhizinisi amancane kanye nalawo mabhizinisi asaqala. Ngokufunda, uDave uzuza inzuzo evela kubasebenzi - lapho ekwazi ukuzinikela khona isikhathi sokusiza amaphrojekthi eduze kwenhliziyo yakhe.
David is the founder of SupaDigital, a small digital company specializing in the creation and promotion of websites for small businesses.
With SiyaFunda comes the opportunity to contribute towards assisting with projects closer to his heart. Dave is passionate about contributing to projects that work with the country’s youth, specifically through education which he believes is the way forward in terms of achieving equality for all in South Africa.